Source code for imeall.calc_elast_dipole

import os
import sys
import argparse
import subprocess
import numpy as np
from quippy import Atoms, set_fortran_indexing, Potential
from ase.constraints import UnitCellFilter, StrainFilter


[docs]class ElasticDipole(object): def __init__(self): """Contains methods for computing the elastic dipole tensor of a point defect in a material. """ self.strain_tensor = [-0.01, -0.005, 0.0, 0.005, 0.01] # def defect_force_method(self, ats, defect, rcut=None): # """ # Requires an interatomic potential that can calculate # the distinct contribution of a force from a particular atom, # i.e. EAM or Tightbinding model. # # Args: # ats (:py:class:`Atoms`): Atoms object of structure. # defect(:py:class:`Atom`): Specifies the defect atom. # rcut (float): Cutoff radius to consider forces. # # Todo: # Implement this method # """ # alpha_ij = self.calc_interatomic_force(defect_atom.index, ats) # return alpha_ij
[docs] def relax_defect_cell(self, ats, output_name='', force_tol=0.0001, relax_cell=False): """ Accepts atoms object with an attached calculator.Minimize forces. Args: ats (:obj:`Atoms`): Atoms with defect to relax. output_name (str, optional): Filename to print relaxed atoms structure to. force_tol (float, optional): Force tolerance to stop relaxation. relax_cell (bool, optional): Relax lattice parameters. Returns: :class:`Atoms`: A relaxed Atoms object. """ from ase.optimize import FIRE if relax_cell: strain_mask = [1,1,1,0,0,0] ucf = UnitCellFilter(ats, strain_mask) opt = FIRE(ucf) else: strain_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0] ucf = UnitCellFilter(ats, strain_mask) opt = FIRE(ucf) = force_tol) ats.write(output_name) return ats
[docs] def compute_vacancy_dipole(self, defect, ats, pot=None, forces=np.array([])): """Compute dipole tensor from induced forces. Args: defect (:py:class:`Atom`): Atom object of defect atom. ats (:py:class:`Atoms`): If forces are absent the :py:class:Atoms object must have defect present. pot (:py:class:`Potential`, optional): Potential for calculating interatomic forces if required. forces(:py:class:`numpy.array`, optional): numpy array of forces if already available. Returns: 3x3 numpy array of G the dipole tensor. """ if not forces.any(): ats.remove_atoms([defect.index+1]) ats.set_calculator(pot) forces = ats.get_forces() ats.write('') else: #force array has been passed (e.g. read from OUTCAR) pass alpha_ij = np.zeros([3,3]) for defect_force, at in zip(forces, ats): if np.linalg.norm(defect.position-at.position) <= 'Inf': alpha_ij[0, 0] += defect_force[0]*(defect.position[0] - at.position[0]) alpha_ij[0, 1] += defect_force[0]*(defect.position[1] - at.position[1]) alpha_ij[0, 2] += defect_force[0]*(defect.position[2] - at.position[2]) alpha_ij[1, 0] += defect_force[1]*(defect.position[0] - at.position[0]) alpha_ij[1, 1] += defect_force[1]*(defect.position[1] - at.position[1]) alpha_ij[1, 2] += defect_force[1]*(defect.position[2] - at.position[2]) alpha_ij[2, 0] += defect_force[2]*(defect.position[0] - at.position[0]) alpha_ij[2, 1] += defect_force[2]*(defect.position[1] - at.position[1]) alpha_ij[2, 2] += defect_force[2]*(defect.position[2] - at.position[2]) return alpha_ij
[docs]def find_h_atom(ats): """Finds the hydrogen atom in .xyz file and returns its :py:class:`Atom` object. Args: ats(:py:class:`Atoms`) Returns: :py:class:`Atom` object. """ h_list = [at for at in ats if at.number==1] if len(h_list) > 1: sys.exit('too many hydrogens in unit cell.') elif len(h_list) == 0: sys.exit('No hydrogen in unit cell.') else: defect = h_list[0] return defect
[docs]def calc_elast_dipole_eam(input_file, force_tol, relax_cell): """ Calculate elastic dipole using an Embedded Atom Potential. Args: input_file (str): Name of .xyz file contains unitcell with defect. force_tol (float): Force tolerance to stop relaxation. relax_cell (bool): Relax lattice vectors. Returns: Elastic Dipole Tensor 3x3 numpy array. """ try: POT_DIR = os.environ['POTDIR'] except KeyError: sys.exit("PLEASE SET export POTDIR='path/to/potfiles/'") elastic = ElasticDipole() eam_pot = os.path.join(POT_DIR, 'PotBH.xml') pot = Potential('IP EAM_ErcolAd do_rescale_r=T r_scale={0}'.format(1.00894848312), param_filename=eam_pot) ats = Atoms(input_file) ats.set_calculator(pot) init_vol = ats.get_volume() print 'Initial Vol.', init_vol elastic.relax_defect_cell(ats, force_tol=force_tol, relax_cell=relax_cell) final_vol = ats.get_volume() print 'Final Vol.', final_vol print 'Volume Diff.', final_vol-init_vol ats = Atoms('') defect = find_h_atom(ats) print 'Defect index', defect.index, 'Position', defect.position, 'Type: ', defect.number ats.set_calculator(pot) return elastic.compute_vacancy_dipole(defect, ats.copy(), pot)
[docs]def calc_elast_dipole_dft(input_file, vasp_calc=True): """Reads OUTCAR file in the same directory with one shot forces induced by removal of defect. Reads defect position from .xyz file (which contains the defect) defined by `input_file` calculates and returns the elastic dipole tensor of the defect. Args: input_file(str): name of input .xyz file containing defect cell. Returns: Elastic Dipole Tensor 3x3 numpy array. """ elastic = ElasticDipole() ats_def = Atoms(input_file) defect = find_h_atom(ats_def) if vasp_calc: import as vasp ats_pos = vasp.read_vasp() ats = vasp.read_vasp_out() ats = Atoms(ats) else: pass print 'Defect index', defect.index, 'Position', defect.position, 'Type: ', defect.number f = ats.get_forces() ats.add_property('force', f.T) ats.write('') return elastic.compute_vacancy_dipole(defect, ats_pos.copy(), forces=ats.get_forces())
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-ct', '--calc_type', help="Can use 'EAM' or 'DFT' potential. If DFT then script requires OUTCAR with single shot \ forces for defectless cell and xyz input for cell with defect.", required=True) parser.add_argument('-rc', '--relax_cell', help="Relax defect super cell.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-f', '--force_tol', help="force_tolerance.", type=float, default=0.0001) parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_file', help="Structure file of system with defect. (.xyz format)", required=True) args = parser.parse_args() if args.calc_type == 'EAM': print calc_elast_dipole_eam(args.input_file, args.force_tol, args.relax_cell).round(3) elif args.calc_type == 'DFT': print calc_elast_dipole_dft(args.input_file) else: sys.exit('Invalid potential type chosen. Please select DFT or EAM.')