Source code for imeall.models

import os
import sys
import argparse
import glob
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import re
import shutil
import slabmaker.slabmaker as slabmaker

from  quippy import Atoms
from  scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d

  from  imeall import app
except ImportError:
  print 'No app'

  from flask  import Flask, request, session, g, redirect
  from flask  import url_for, abort, render_template, flash
except ImportError:
  print 'No Flask Module Available'

# Currently Our models are stored by hand
# and then we handle the interactions with 
# directory structure manually. Which should allow us to serve
# files.

class PotentialParameters(object):
  """Contains parameter dictionaries for basic properties associated with
  interatomic potentials in the database.

  The ground state energy per atom for bulk iron
  for the different inter-atomic potentials used in the Imeall Database. 
  It also contains the values required to rescale the relaxed lattice parameters 
  for bulk iron predicted by the inter-atomic potentials 
  to the target DFT value.

  def __init__(self): = 'Potential Parameters'

  def gs_ener_per_atom(self): 
      eperat(dict): {'parameter file': energy per atom (eV)}
    eperat = {'Fe_Mendelev.xml' : -4.12243503431,
              'PotBH.xml'       : -4.01298214176,
              'iron_mish.xml'   : -4.28000356875,
              'Fe_Ackland.xml'  : -4.01298226805,
              'Fe_Dudarev.xml'  : -4.31608690638,
              'dft_vasp_pbe'    : -8.238035,
              'gp33b.xml'       : -3460.93341688
    return eperat

  def eam_rscale(self): 
    """Dictionary of rescaling parameters of EAM to approximate pbe DFT value of 2.83.

      rscale:{parameter file: rscale parameter} 

    rscale = {'Fe_Mendelev.xml' : 1.00894848312,
              'PotBH.xml'       : 1.00894848312,
              'iron_mish.xml'   : 1.0129007626,
              'Fe_Ackland.xml'  : 1.00894185389,
              'Fe_Dudarev.xml'  : 1.01279093417,
              'dft_vasp_pbe'    : 1.00000000000,
              'gp33b.xml'       : 1.0015226318
    return rscale

  def paramfile_dict(self):
    """Dictionary Mapping directory names to quip xml files.

      dict: {potential_directory:potential_file}

    paramfile      = {'DFT':'dft_vasp_pbe',
    return paramfile

  def potdir_dict(self):
    """Invert keys from :py:func:`paramfile_dict` to give potential file to
    directory mapping.

      dict: {potential_file:potential_directory}

    paramfile_dict = self.paramfile_dict()
    potdir = {}
    for k,v in paramfile_dict.items():
      potdir[v] = k
    return potdir

  def calc_e_gb(self, at, E_bulk):
    """Calculate grain boundary energy relative to bulk value.

      float: E_gb grain boundary energy J/m^{2}

    cell = at.get_cell()
    A    = cell[0,0]*cell[1,1]
    E_gb = (at.get_potential_energy()-(at.n*(E_bulk)))/(2.*A)
    E_gb = 16.02*(at.get_potential_energy()-(at.n*(E_bulk)))/(2.*A)
    return E_gb

[docs]class GBQuery(object): """ Routines for grabbing desired .xyz files and paths. """ def __init__(self): self.__repr__=="FetchStructure"
[docs] def copy_gb_dirtree(self, material="alphaFe", or_axis="0,0,1", pots=['PotBH.xml'], target_dir='./', gb_type='tilt'): """Pull all minimum energy structures, using :py:func:`pull_minen_structs`, from database for an orientation axis and copy them to target_dir. Useful for checking out structures into a unique directory for specialized analysis. Args: material(str): material name or_axis(str): csv serialized vector of orientation axis pots: list of potential parameter files. target_dir: Location to copy files to (Default: './'). gb_type(str): Options 'tilt' or 'twist'. Todo: * Add kwargs to pull_minen_structs to provide additional selection criteria. """ grain_dicts = self.pull_minen_structs(material=material, or_axis=or_axis, pots=pots, gb_type=gb_type) for gd in grain_dicts: gbid = gd['gbid'] new_dir_name = gbid.split('_')[0] new_dir_name = os.path.join(target_dir, new_dir_name) try: os.mkdir(new_dir_name) except OSError: print 'Directory already exists.' struct_name = gbid+'' dir_path = gd['path'] #grab the gb.json file path. gb_path = gd['path'] gb_path = '/'.join(gb_path.split('/')[0:3])+'/gb.json' print gb_path gb_path = os.path.join(app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE'], gb_path) #grab the struct file and the subgb.json path. dir_path = os.path.join(app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE'], dir_path) struct_path = os.path.join(dir_path, struct_name) subgb_path = os.path.join(dir_path, 'subgb.json') shutil.copy(struct_path, new_dir_name) shutil.copy(subgb_path, new_dir_name) shutil.copy(gb_path, new_dir_name)
[docs] def pull_minen_structs(self, material="alphaFe", or_axis="1,1,1", pots=['PotBH.xml'], gb_type='tilt'): """Grab the minimum energy structure json dictionaries for a given material, orientation_axis, and potential(s) parameter filenames. Args: material(str,optional): Material to investigate. or_axis(str,optional): Orientation axis "1,1,1". pots(list): list of potentials parameter files. gb_type(str): Options 'tilt' or 'twist'. Returns: list[:py:class:`SubGrainBoundary`]: List of :py:class:`SubGrainBoundary` :py:class:`Model` represented as dictionaries. """ from gb_models import database, GrainBoundary, SubGrainBoundary from collections import OrderedDict database.connect() pot_param = PotentialParameters() ener_per_atom = pot_param.gs_ener_per_atom() if gb_type=='tilt': gbs = ( .where(GrainBoundary.orientation_axis == or_axis) .where(GrainBoundary.boundary_plane != or_axis)) elif gb_type=='twist': gbs = ( .where(GrainBoundary.orientation_axis == or_axis) .where(GrainBoundary.boundary_plane == or_axis)) else: sys.exit("Unsupported gb_type. Options:'tilt' or 'twist'") dict_list = [] for gb in gbs.order_by(GrainBoundary.angle): pot_dict = OrderedDict({}) for potential in pots: subgbs = (, SubGrainBoundary) .where(SubGrainBoundary.potential==potential) .join(GrainBoundary) .order_by(SubGrainBoundary.E_gb) .dicts()) subgbs = [(16.02*(subgb['E_gb']-float(subgb['n_at']*ener_per_atom[potential]))/ (2.0*subgb['area']), subgb) for subgb in subgbs] subgbs.sort(key = lambda x: x[0]) try: if subgbs[0][1]['converged'] == True: pot_dict[potential] = subgbs[0][0] dict_list.append(subgbs[0][1]) except IndexError: print 'No subgbs for: ', gb.gbid, potential print '{:.3f}'.format(180.0/np.pi*gb.angle), ' '.join(['{:.3f}'.format(x) for x in pot_dict.values()]) database.close() return dict_list
class Job(object): """Collection of routines for generating and submitting pbs submission scripts. """ def __init__(self): self.pbs_file = '' self.job_dir = '' self.job_id = '' def sub_pbs(self, job_dir, exclude='DFT', suffix='v6bxv2z', regex=None): """Given an explicit suffix, or a regex this routine recurses through the directory structure and change directory to location of pbs file and submits pbs files that match the suffix or regex pattern. Exclude avoids certain directories. Useful submission patterns include: REGEX: Submit all pbs files with a rigid body translation and any atom deletion criterion hydrogen concentration etc.: tv[.0-9]+bxv[.0-9]+_.*? Submit all sub-pbs files with a rigid body translation and different atom _deletion criterion: tv[.0-9]+bxv[.0-9]+_d[.0-9]+ All translations with a specific deletion criterion in this case 2.3 A: tv[.0-9]+bxv[.0-9]+_d2.3 etc. SUFFIX: submit all super cells: v6bxv2z Args: job_dir(str): root directory to walk downwards from. exclude(str): directory names to exclude. suffix(str): pattern that job file must contain to be submitted. regex(str): regex pattern. """ lst = os.listdir(job_dir) for target_dir in lst: target_dir = os.path.join(job_dir, target_dir) if regex == None: if os.path.isdir(target_dir) and target_dir != 'DFT': self.sub_pbs(dir, suffix=suffix, regex=regex) elif target_dir.split('_')[-1] == suffix: pbs_dir = os.path.join(sub_dir, target_dir) os.system("cd {0}; qsub fe{1}.pbs".format(pbs_dir, job_dir+'_'+suffix)) else: pass else: if os.path.isdir(target_dir) and target_dir != 'DFT': self.sub_pbs(target_dir, suffix=suffix, regex=regex) elif regex.match(target_dir): try: target_dir = '/'.join(target_dir.split('/')[:-1]) name = target_dir.split('/')[-1] os.system("cd {0}; qsub fe{1}.pbs".format(target_dir, name)) except: print 'Job Submit Failed' else: pass
[docs]class GBMaintenance(object): """Collection of maintenance routines for the GB database. Methods include routines to regenerate all the csl lattices in the database, take a new grain boundary profile picture for multiple directories, update the gb.json information if a new grain boundary property is desired. """ def __init__(self): self.materials = ['alphaFe']
[docs] def retake_pic(self, fname, translate=False, toggle=False, confirm=True): """DEPRECATED If using AtomEye take grain boundary profile pic in directory requires gb directory with file in it. Set confirm=False to not prompt for overwrite. In future versions OVITO will be default image generator. """ if confirm: var = 'n' var = raw_input('Retake photo (y/n)?') else: var = 'y' if var =='y': fname = os.path.join(fname,fname) slabmaker.take_pic(fname, translate=translate, toggle=toggle) print 'retaking photo' elif var =='n': pass
[docs] def remove_eo_files(self, path, num_deleted_files, dryrun=False): """ Remove files with pattern matching jobname.[eo][0-9]+. Args: path(str): root path to start walking downwards from. num_deleted_files(int): Number of job files deleted. dryrun(bool): (Default: True). Returns: Number of deleted files. """ eo_regex = re.compile(r'[eo][0-9]+') lst = os.listdir(path) for filename in lst: filename = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.isdir(filename): if dryrun: rec_deleted_files = self.remove_eo_files(filename, 0) num_deleted_files += rec_deleted_files elif eo_regex.match(filename.split('.')[-1]): print filename os.remove(filename) num_deleted_files += 1 else: pass return num_deleted_files
[docs] def add_key_to_dict(self, dirname, new_key, new_value, dict_type='subgb.json', modify=False): """Add single key to .json dictionary. Args: dirname(str): directory name with json dictionary. new_key(str): key to add to dictionary. new_value(generic): value to add to dictionary. dict_type(str, optional): Type of json dict 'subgb.json' or 'gb.json'. modify(bool): If True json file will be overwritten. Returns: dict: Updated json dictionary. """ json_path = os.path.join(dirname, dict_type) new_json = {} with open(json_path,'r') as json_old: old_json = json.load(json_old) for key in old_json.keys(): new_json[key] = old_json[key] #modify key or add it new_json[new_key] = new_value if modify: with open(json_path,'w') as json_new_file: json.dump(new_json, json_new_file, indent=2) return new_json
[docs] def update_json(self, json_path, new_keys=[], new_values=[], dryrun=True): """Update or add multiple keys to json dictionaries. Args: json_path(str): directory name where gb.json file needs to be updated. new_keys(list): list of new keys. new_values(list): list of new values dryrun(bool):If False json file is over written with new keys. Returns: dict: Updated json dictionary. """ assert len(new_keys)==len(new_values) assert type(new_keys)==list assert type(new_values)==list with open(json_path,'r') as json_old: old_json = json.load(json_old) new_json = old_json for key, value in zip(new_keys, new_values): new_json[key] = value if dryrun: print new_json else: with open(json_path,'w') as json_new_file: json.dump(new_json, json_new_file, indent=2) return new_json
[docs] def fix_json(self, path): """If json file is corrupted and contains two {}{} dictionaries, this function selects the second of the two dictionaries and overwrites json file. Args: path(str): path to corrupted dictionary. """ lst = os.listdir(path) for filename in lst: new_path = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.isdir(new_path): self.fix_json(new_path) elif new_path[-10:] == 'subgb.json': try: with open(new_path,'r') as f: j_file = json.load(f) except ValueError: print 'Value Error', new_path with open(new_path,'r') as f: j_file = with open(new_path,'w') as f: print >> f, j_file.split('}')[1]+'}' try: with open(new_path,'r') as f: j_file = json.load(f) print 'j_file fixed' except: print new_path, 'Still Broken' else: pass
class GBAnalysis(object): """Contains methods for pulling structural. energetic, and meta data from the grain boundary data tree. Also routines for identifying unconverged structural relaxations. """ def __init__(self): pass def find_gb_json(self, path, j_list, filetype): """ Populates the list j_list with lists of the form [/directory_path/, /subgb_file_path]. Args: path : root directory to begin recursive search j_list : empty list to populate filetype : 'subgb.json', 'gb.json' Returns: None """ lst = os.listdir(path) for filename in lst: filename = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.isdir(filename): self.find_gb_json(filename, j_list, filetype) elif filename.split('/')[-1] == filetype: j_list.append([path,filename]) else: pass def extract_energies(self, material='alphaFe', or_axis='001', gb_type='tilt'): """Pull GB formation energies using recursion from json files. Go into a grain boundary directory, recurse through directory to find subgb.json files and gb_energies and pull them out. Args: material(str): material directory to pull from. or_axis(str): orientation axis. gb_type(str): tilt or twist boundary. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains keys gbid, orientation_axis, angle, boundary_plane, param_file, and energies. """ pot_param = PotentialParameters() ener_per_atom = pot_param.gs_ener_per_atom() gb_files = [] #dir str lets us point to whatever material and orientation axisi it is we want in the database. dir_str = os.path.join(material, or_axis) self.find_gb_json('{0}'.format(os.path.join(app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE'], dir_str)), gb_files, 'gb.json') grain_energies = [] for grain in gb_files: path = grain[0] with open(grain[1],'r') as f: j_dict = json.load(f) subgb_files = [] self.find_gb_json(path, subgb_files, 'subgb.json') calc_types = [] #Find all calculation types associated with this grain for subgrain in subgb_files: with open(subgrain[1],'r') as f: try: sub_dict = json.load(f) except: pass try: if sub_dict['param_file'] not in calc_types: calc_types.append(sub_dict['param_file']) except KeyError: pass #Initialize a dictionary of dictionaries for each calc type: gb_dict = {} for calc in calc_types: tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict['orientation_axis'] = j_dict['orientation_axis'] tmp_dict['angle'] = j_dict['angle']*(180./np.pi) tmp_dict['boundary_plane'] = j_dict['boundary_plane'] tmp_dict['energies'] = [] tmp_dict['param_file'] = calc tmp_dict['gbid'] = j_dict['gbid'] gb_dict[calc] = tmp_dict for subgrain in subgb_files: with open(subgrain[1],'r') as f: try: sub_dict = json.load(f) try: if (sub_dict['param_file'] in ener_per_atom.keys()): append_energy = True gb_ener = 16.02*((sub_dict['E_gb']-(ener_per_atom[sub_dict['param_file']]*float(sub_dict['n_at'])))/(2*sub_dict['A'])) else: append_energy = False print 'Ground state energy not know for this potential!' if append_energy == True: gb_dict[sub_dict['param_file']]['energies'].append(gb_ener) except KeyError: pass except: print 'Missing json file.' pass for gdict in gb_dict.values(): grain_energies.append(gdict) return grain_energies def calc_energy(self, gb_dict, param_file='PotBH.xml'): """Given a subgb.json dictionary, and a potential calculate grainboundary energy. Args: gb_dict(dict): sub grain dictionary. param_file(str): Inter-atomic potential filename. Returns: float: Grain boundary energy in J/m^{-2}. """ pot_param = PotentialParameters() ener_per_atom = pot_param.gs_ener_per_atom() try: gb_ener = 16.02*((gb_dict['E_gb']-(ener_per_atom[param_file]*float(gb_dict['n_at'])))/(2*gb_dict['A'])) except KeyError: return None else: return gb_ener def pull_gamsurf(self, path="./", potential="PotBH"): """Loop over subgrain directories of a potential to find the minimum and maximum subgrain energies for the canonical grain, return a dictionary, with information about the lowest and highest energy structures, and the directory they are contained in. Args: path(str): File path to begin search for subgb.json files. potential(str): Name of potential directory. Returns: dictionary: {'max_en':float, 'min_en':float,'min_coords':list,'max_coords':list, 'path':str} """ potparams = PotentialParameters() paramfile_dict = potparams.paramfile_dict() subgb_files = [] if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, potential)): self.find_gb_json(os.path.join(path, potential), subgb_files, 'subgb.json') gam_surfs = [] unconv = [] #Only pulling for PotBH: for gb in subgb_files: with open(gb[1],'r') as f: gb_json = json.load(f) ener = self.calc_energy(gb_json, param_file=paramfile_dict[potential]) if ener != None: try: gam_surfs.append((gb_json['rcut'], gb_json['rbt'][0], gb_json['rbt'][1], ener, gb[0], gb_json['gbid'])) except KeyError: gam_surfs.append((gb_json['rcut'], gb_json['rbt'][0], gb_json['rbt'][1], ener, gb[0], gb_json['name'])) else: unconv.append(gb[1]) en_list = [x[3] for x in gam_surfs] try: min_en = min(en_list) except ValueError: return {'max_en':0.0, 'min_en':0.0, 'min_coords':[], 'max_coords':[], 'min_path':'', 'max_path':''} else: #Create lists of minimum energy structures (vx bxv rcut). max_en = max(en_list) min_coords = [(gam[1], gam[2], gam[0]) for gam in filter(lambda x: round(x[3], 5) == round(min_en, 5), gam_surfs)] max_coords = [(gam[1], gam[2], gam[0]) for gam in filter(lambda x: round(x[3], 5) == round(max_en, 5), gam_surfs)] min_path = [(gam[4], gam[5]) for gam in filter(lambda x: round(x[3], 5) == round(min_en, 5), gam_surfs)] max_path = [(gam[4], gam[5]) for gam in filter(lambda x: round(x[3], 5) == round(max_en, 5), gam_surfs)] min_path = '/'.join(min_path[0])+'' max_path = '/'.join(max_path[0])+'' min_path = os.path.relpath(min_path, app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE']) max_path = os.path.relpath(max_path, app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE']) gam_dict = {'max_en':max_en, 'min_en':min_en, 'min_coords':min_coords, 'max_coords':max_coords, 'min_path':min_path, 'max_path':max_path} else: print "No potential directory:", potential, "found." gam_dict = {'max_en':0.0, 'min_en':0.0,'min_coords':[],'max_coords':[], 'max_path':'', 'min_path':''} return gam_dict def plot_gamsurf(self, pot_dir='PotBH', rcut=None, print_gamsurf=False): """ Returns: min and max rigid body translations for a particular rcut value. If rcut is None return min and max rigid body translation for minimum energy structure for all atom deletion criterion. """ subgb_files = [] self.find_gb_json(pot_dir, subgb_files, 'subgb.json') gam_surfs = [] for gb in subgb_files: with open(gb[1],'r') as f: gb_json = json.load(f) locen = self.calc_energy(gb_json) if locen is not None and locen >= 0.0: gam_surfs.append((gb_json['rcut'], gb_json['rbt'][0], gb_json['rbt'][1], locen, gb[0])) else: pass'gam_surfs', gam_surfs) if rcut is not None: gam_surf_rcut = filter(lambda x: x[0]==rcut, gam_surfs) else: gam_surf_rcut = gam_surfs if print_gamsurf: for count, gs in enumerate(gam_surf_rcut): print gs[1], gs[2], gs[3] if ((count+1)%6==0): print '\n' en_list = [x[3] for x in gam_surfs] en_list = [x for x in en_list if x is not None] min_en = min(en_list) print 'Min Energy: ', min_en, 'J/m^{2}' min_coords = filter(lambda x: round(x[3], 5) == round(min_en, 5), gam_surfs) print 'Coordinates of Min Energy Grain Boundaries:' for m in min_coords: print m max_en = max(en_list) print 'Max Energy: ', max_en, 'J/m^{2}' print 'Coordinates of Max Energy Grain Boundaries:' max_coords = filter(lambda x: round(x[3], 5)==round(max_en, 5), gam_surfs) for m in max_coords: print m return min_coords, max_coords def list_all_unconverged(self, pattern='b111'): """Searches through subdirectories that match against pattern for subgb.json files. Parameters: pattern: regex to pattern match against. Returns: Three lists converged_dirs, unconverged_dirs, dirs_missing_convergence_keys """ jobdirs = glob.glob('{0}*'.format(pattern)) jobdirs = filter(os.path.isdir, jobdirs) scratch = os.getcwd() converged_list = [] unconverged_list = [] missing_key_list = [] for job in jobdirs: os.chdir(os.path.join(scratch, job)) subgb_files = [] self.find_gb_json('./', subgb_files, 'subgb.json') for gb in subgb_files: with open(gb[1],'r') as f: gb_json = json.load(f) if 'converged' in gb_json: if gb_json['converged']: #print 'Converged', gb converged_list.append([job]+gb) elif not gb_json['converged']: #print 'Not Converged', gb unconverged_list.append([job]+gb) elif 'converged' not in gb: #print 'subgb missing converged key', gb missing_key_list.append(gb) os.chdir(scratch) return converged_list, unconverged_list, missing_key_list def list_unconverged(self, pattern='001', potential='PotBH'): """ Find all unconverged subgrains. Convergence flag is in subgb.json file. Args: pattern(str): Orientation axis potential(str): Interatomic Potential to search. Returns: Three lists converged_dirs, unconverged_dirs, dirs_missing_convergence_keys """ jobdirs = glob.glob('{0}*'.format(pattern)) jobdirs = filter(os.path.isdir, jobdirs) scratch = os.getcwd() converged_list = [] unconverged_list = [] missing_key_list = [] for job in jobdirs: os.chdir(os.path.join(scratch, job)) subgb_files = [] if os.path.isdir(potential): self.find_gb_json(potential, subgb_files, 'subgb.json') for gb in subgb_files: with open(gb[1],'r') as f: gb_json = json.load(f) if 'converged' in gb_json: if gb_json['converged']: # print 'Converged', gb converged_list.append([job]+gb) elif not gb_json['converged']: # print 'Not Converged', gb unconverged_list.append([job]+gb) elif 'converged' not in gb: # print 'subgb missing converged key', gb missing_key_list.append(gb) os.chdir(scratch) return converged_list, unconverged_list, missing_key_list if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-e", "--extracten", action="store_true", help="Pull all energies for an orientation axis \ print lowest energies to terminal. List is ordered by angle.") parser.add_argument("-g", "--gam_min", action="store_true", help="Pull gamma surface for specified potential directory.") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", default="PotBH", help="Directory to search for min_en structure. (Default PotBH).") parser.add_argument("-m", "--material", help="The material we wish to query. Default (alphaFe).", default="alphaFe") parser.add_argument("-o", "--or_axis", help="Orientation axis.", default="001") parser.add_argument("-pt", "--potential", help="Potential file.", default ="PotBH.xml") args = parser.parse_args() analyze = GBAnalysis() if args.extracten: or_axis = args.or_axis gb_list = analyze.extract_energies(or_axis=or_axis) for gb in sorted(gb_list, key = lambda x: x['angle']): if gb['param_file'] == args.potential: try: print gb['param_file'], gb['angle'], min(gb['energies']), max(gb['energies']) except ValueError: print 'No Valid Energy: ', gb['param_file'], gb['angle'] if args.gam_min: # Search potential directory for the gamma surface it contains # for all the cutoff radii. analyze.gam_min(