Source code for imeall.relax

import os
import sys
import json
import shutil
import logging
import argparse
import numpy as np
import logging

from pprint import pprint
from cStringIO import StringIO
from ase.optimize.sciopt import SciPyFminCG
from quippy import Atoms, Potential, frange, set_fortran_indexing
from ase.constraints import UnitCellFilter, StrainFilter
from import AtomsWriter, AtomsReader, write
from ase.optimize import BFGS, FIRE, LBFGS, MDMin, QuasiNewton
from imeall import app


[docs]def relax_gb(gb_file='file_name', traj_steps=120, total_steps=1200, force_tol = 0.05): """Method to relax a grain_boundary bicrystal structure. Args: gb_file(str): gbid. traj_steps(int): number of steps between print trajectories. total_steps(int): total number of force relaxation steps. force_tol(float): Force relaxation criterion in ev/A. Returns: :class:`ase.Atoms` Object """ def converged(grain, smax, fmax): maxstress = max(grain.get_stress().ravel()) rmsforces = np.sum(grain.get_forces()**2, axis=1)**0.5 maxforce = max(rmsforces) if maxforce < fmax and maxstress < smax: return True return False with open('subgb.json', 'r') as outfile: j_dict = json.load(outfile) try: POT_DIR = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'potentials') except KeyError: sys.exit("Please set POTDIR in os environment. `export POTDIR='path/to/potfiles/`") try: param_file = j_dict['param_file'] if param_file == 'iron_mish.xml': eam_pot = os.path.join(POT_DIR, 'iron_mish.xml') r_scale = 1.0129007626 elif param_file == 'Fe_Mendelev.xml': eam_pot = os.path.join(POT_DIR, 'Fe_Mendelev.xml') r_scale = 1.00894848312 elif param_file == 'PotBH.xml': eam_pot = os.path.join(POT_DIR, 'PotBH.xml') r_scale = 1.00894848312 elif param_file == 'Fe_Ackland.xml': eam_pot = os.path.join(POT_DIR,'Fe_Ackland.xml') r_scale = 1.00894185389 elif param_file == 'Fe_Dudarev.xml': eam_pot = os.path.join(POT_DIR,'Fe_Dudarev.xml') r_scale = 1.01279093417 elif param_file == 'gp33b.xml': eam_pot = os.path.join(POT_DIR,'gp33b.xml') sparse_file = 'gp33b.xml.sparseX.GAP_2016_10_3_60_19_29_10_8911' eam_pot_sparse = os.path.join(POT_DIR, sparse_file) shutil.copy(eam_pot, './') shutil.copy(eam_pot_sparse, './') else: print 'No paramfile found!' sys.exit() except KeyError: print 'No EAM potential file with that name. Relax failed.' sys.exit() print 'Using: ', eam_pot pot_file = eam_pot.split('/')[-1] print '{0}.xyz'.format(gb_file) print os.getcwd() grain = AtomsReader('{0}.xyz'.format(gb_file))[-1] if param_file != 'gp33b.xml': pot = Potential('IP EAM_ErcolAd do_rescale_r=T r_scale={0}'.format(r_scale), param_filename=eam_pot) else: pot = Potential('IP GAP', param_filename=eam_pot) grain.set_calculator(pot)['adsorbate_info'] = None E_gb_init = grain.get_potential_energy() traj_file = gb_file if 'traj' in traj_file: out = AtomsWriter('{0}'.format('{0}.xyz'.format(traj_file))) else: out = AtomsWriter('{0}'.format('{0}'.format(traj_file))) strain_mask = [0,0,1,0,0,0] ucf = UnitCellFilter(grain, strain_mask) opt = FIRE(ucf) cell = grain.get_cell() A = cell[0][0]*cell[1][1] H = cell[2][2] #Calculation dumps total energyenergy and grainboundary area data to json file. with open('subgb.json','r') as f: gb_dict = json.load(f) #Write an initial dict so we know if the system has been initialized but the calculation is not finished. with open('subgb.json', 'w') as outfile: for key, value in gb_dict.items(): j_dict[key] = value json.dump(j_dict, outfile, indent=2) CONVERGED = False FORCE_TOL = force_tol #default to 5 if traj_steps = 120, otherwise increases num_iters = int(float(total_steps)/float(traj_steps)) logging.debug('num_iters: {}'.format(num_iters)) for i in range(num_iters):, steps=traj_steps) out.write(grain) force_array = grain.get_forces() max_force_II = max([max(f) for f in force_array]) max_forces = [np.sqrt(fx**2+fy**2+fz**2) for fx, fy, fz in zip(['force'][0],['force'][1],['force'][2])] if max(max_forces) <= FORCE_TOL: CONVERGED = True break out.close() gb_dict['converged'] = CONVERGED E_gb = grain.get_potential_energy() gb_dict['E_gb'] = E_gb gb_dict['E_gb_init'] = E_gb_init gb_dict['area'] = A with open('subgb.json', 'w') as outfile: for key, value in gb_dict.items(): j_dict[key] = value json.dump(j_dict, outfile, indent=2) if param_file == 'gp33b.xml': os.remove(param_file) os.remove(sparse_file) else: pass return grain
if __name__ == '__main__': #Command line tool for relaxing grainboundary structure parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-inp', '--input_file', help='name of input structure file') parser.add_argument('-ts', '--traj_steps', help='Number of steps to write trajectory to file', type=int, default=1200) parser.add_argument('-f', '--force_tol', help='Force tolerance for minimization', type=float, default=0.05) args = parser.parse_args() input_file = args.input_file relax_gb(gb_file=input_file, traj_steps=args.traj_steps, force_tol=args.force_tol)