Source code for imeall.views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
import json
import logging
import subprocess
from imeall import app
from flask import Flask, request, session, g, redirect, url_for, abort,\
                  render_template, flash, send_file, jsonify, make_response, safe_join,\
from imeall.models import GBAnalysis
from gb_models import serialize_vector, GRAIN_DATABASE, GrainBoundary, SubGrainBoundary,\
                      deserialize_vector_int, database
from models import PotentialParameters

#Files that Imeall server can display in browser:
valid_extensions = ['xyz', 'json', 'mp4', 'png','day']
vasp_files       = ['IBZKPT', 'INCAR', 'CHG', 'CHGCAR', 'DOSCAR', 'EIGENVAL', 
                    'KPOINTS', 'OSZICAR', 'OUTCAR', 'PCDAT', 'POSCAR',
                    'POTCAR', 'WAVECAR', 'XDATCAR']

#def before_request():
#  g.sql = database.connect()

#def after_request(response):
#  g.sql = database.close()
#  return response

[docs]@app.route('/') def home_page(): """Overview of imeall database. Links to material views. """ materials = app.config["MATERIALS"] return render_template('imeall.html', materials=materials)
[docs]@app.route('/<material>/') def material(material): """View of available orientation axes for a particular material. """ path = os.path.join(app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE'], material) url_path = material orientations = [] files = os.listdir(path) files.sort() for filename in files: tmp_file = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.isdir(tmp_file): orientations.append(filename) return render_template('material.html', url_path=url_path, orientations=orientations)
[docs]@app.route('/orientation/<path:url_path>/<orientation>/') def orientations(url_path, orientation): """View to list different orientation axes in the material database. """ #can only handle three digit or_axis atm. url_path = url_path+'/'+orientation path = os.path.join(app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE'], url_path) #load serialized grain data with open(os.path.join(path, 'or_axis.json'), 'r') as json_file: oraxis = json.load(json_file) oraxis = oraxis['oraxis'] gb_type = request.args.get('gb_type', 'tilt') if gb_type == 'tilt': gbs = ( .where(GrainBoundary.boundary_plane !=oraxis) .order_by(GrainBoundary.angle)) elif gb_type == 'twist': gbs = ( .where(GrainBoundary.boundary_plane == oraxis) .order_by(GrainBoundary.angle)) else: gbs = #only valid directories beginning with orientation axis will be shown. grains = [] for gb in gbs: grains.append({'gbid':gb.gbid, 'angle':round(gb.angle*180/(3.14159), 2), 'bp':deserialize_vector_int(gb.boundary_plane)}) return render_template('orientation.html', url_path=url_path, grains=grains)
[docs]@app.route('/grain/<path:url_path>/<gbid>/') def grain_boundary(url_path, gbid): """Top view for a canonical grain boundary. CSL lattice, and list of subgrain directories, and energies. Todo: Replace make_tree with an SQL query. """ url_path = url_path+'/'+gbid path = os.path.join(app.config["GRAIN_DATABASE"], url_path) with open(os.path.join(path, 'gb.json'),'r') as json_file: gb_info = json.load(json_file) stuff = [] tree = make_tree(path) json_files = [] extract_json(path, json_files) subgrains = [] subgrainsj = [] for i, gb_path in enumerate(json_files): subgrains.append([json.load(open(gb_path, 'r')), i]) subgrainsj.append(json.load(open(gb_path, 'r'))) #find lowest energy structure for every potential in the database analyze = GBAnalysis() potparams = PotentialParameters() paramfile_dict = potparams.paramfile_dict() gam_dict = {} for potdir in paramfile_dict.keys(): gam_dict[potdir] = analyze.pull_gamsurf(path=path, potential=potdir) return render_template('grain_boundary.html', gbid=gbid, url_path=url_path, gb_info=gb_info, flare_root=json.dumps(tree), subgrains=subgrains, subgrainsj=json.dumps(subgrainsj), gam_dict=gam_dict)
[docs]@app.route('/analysis/') def analysis(): """This view collates data from the grain boundary database and forwards it to d3 analysis tools. """ # User chooses what orientation angle to look at via a GET argument: # This should be a separate Table. pot_param = PotentialParameters() ener_per_atom = pot_param.gs_ener_per_atom() or_axis = request.args.get('oraxisselect', default='001') gb_type = request.args.get('gbtypeselect', default='tilt') material = request.args.get('materialselect', default='alphaFe') gbdat = [] oraxis = ','.join([c for c in or_axis]) # Creates list of grain boundaries ordered by angle. for potential in ener_per_atom.keys(): # GrainBoundary Energies in J/m^{2} if gb_type == 'tilt': gbs = ( .where(GrainBoundary.orientation_axis==oraxis) .where(GrainBoundary.boundary_plane != oraxis)) elif gb_type == 'twist': gbs = ( .where(GrainBoundary.orientation_axis==oraxis) .where(GrainBoundary.boundary_plane == oraxis)) else: sys.exit('Invalid gb_type!') for gb in gbs.order_by(GrainBoundary.angle): subgbs = (, SubGrainBoundary) .where(SubGrainBoundary.potential==potential) .join(GrainBoundary) .order_by(SubGrainBoundary.E_gb) .dicts()) app.logger.debug(gb.gbid) subgbs = [(16.02*(subgb['E_gb']-float(subgb['n_at']*ener_per_atom[potential]))/(2.0*subgb['area']), subgb) for subgb in subgbs] subgbs.sort(key = lambda x: x[0]) if (len(subgbs) > 0): if (subgbs[0][1]['converged'] == True and subgbs[0][0] < 3.0): gbdat.append({'param_file' : potential, 'or_axis' : ' '.join(map(str, subgbs[0][1]['orientation_axis'].split(','))), 'angle' : subgbs[0][1]['angle']*(180./(3.14159)), 'min_en' : subgbs[0][0], 'bp' : ' '.join(map(str, map(int, deserialize_vector_int(subgbs[0][1]['boundary_plane'])))), 'url' : '' + ''.join(map(str, deserialize_vector_int(subgbs[0][1]['orientation_axis']))) + '/' + gb.gbid}) else: pass return render_template('analysis.html', gbdat=json.dumps(gbdat))
[docs]def make_tree(path): """Recurse through subgrain directories collecting json and png files. """ tree = dict(name=os.path.basename(path), children=[], fullpath='') try: lst = os.listdir(path) lst = map(os.path.basename, lst) except OSError: pass else: for name in lst: filename = os.path.join(path, name) if os.path.isdir(filename): tree['children'].append(make_tree(filename)) else: #append file if it is a relevant with its route: extension = name.split(".")[-1] #filename = os.path.relpath(filename, app.root_path) filename = os.path.relpath(filename, app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE']) if (name in vasp_files) or (extension in valid_extensions): tree['children'].append(dict(name=name, fullpath=url_for('serve_struct', textpath=filename))) return tree
def extract_json(path, json_files): lst = os.listdir(path) for f in lst: f = os.path.join(path,f) if os.path.isdir(f): extract_json(f, json_files) else: if f.split(".")[-1] == 'json' and (f.split("/")[-1])[:3]=='sub': json_files.append(f) else: pass #check for Ovito in different paths.
[docs]def run_ovito(filename): """Launches the Ovito application with the associated grain boundary trajectory file loaded. The alias 'ovito' must be set in environment. This function can only be used if running server locally with a local copy of the database. """ try: ovito = os.environ["OVITO"] except KeyError: flash('No path to OVITO found in the environment') job = subprocess.Popen("{0} {1}".format(ovito, os.path.basename(filename)).split(), cwd=os.path.dirname(filename))
[docs]@app.route('/struct/<path:textpath>') def serve_struct(textpath=None): """View for serving files to clients [png, json, xyz]. """ if textpath.endswith('xyz'): if app.config["RUN_OVITO"]: run_ovito(os.path.join(app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE'], textpath)) flash('running ovito') return redirect(request.referrer) else: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE'], textpath)): return send_from_directory(app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE'], textpath, as_attachment=False) else:"Missing_Struct_File:"+textpath) flash("Structure file missing. Forwarded to calculator to be recomputed.") return redirect(request.referrer) elif textpath.endswith('json'): return send_from_directory(app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE'], textpath, as_attachment=False) elif textpath.endswith('png'): return send_from_directory(app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE'], textpath, as_attachment=False) else: return redirect(request.referrer)
[docs]@app.route('/img/<path:filename>/<gbid>/<img_type>') def serve_img(filename, gbid, img_type): """Serve image_file to the browser. """ img = os.path.join(filename,'{0}.png'.format(gbid)) if img_type =='struct': img = app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE']+'/'+filename+'/{0}.png'.format(gbid) elif img_type =='csl': img = app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE']+'/'+filename+'/csl_{0}.svg'.format(gbid) elif img_type =='pot': pot_dir = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'potentials') img = pot_dir+'/'+filename elif img_type == 'gen': img = app.config['GRAIN_DATABASE']+'/'+filename else: img = 'NO IMAGE' return send_file(img)
[docs]@app.route('/servefile/') def serve_file(textpath): """Serve different common file types to the browser. """ with open('{0}'.format(textpath), 'r') as text_file: text = if textpath.endswith('xyz'): if app.config["RUN_OVITO"]: run_ovito(textpath) return render_template('text.html', text=text) else: return send_file(textpath) elif textpath.endswith('json'): with open(textpath, 'r') as f: j_file = json.load(f) return render_template("render_json.html", j_file=j_file) elif textpath.endswith('png'): return send_file(textpath) elif textpath == 'OSZICAR': rmm_regex = re.compile(r'RMM:\s+([-+0-9.E\s]+)') osz_list = rmm_regex.findall(text) osz = [] line = {} for i in range(len(osz_list[:80])): split_list = map(float, osz_list[i].split()) if i + 1 == split_list[0]: osz.append({'N' : split_list [0], 'E' : split_list [1], 'dE' : split_list [2], 'd_eps' : split_list [3], 'ncg' : split_list [4], 'rms' : split_list [5]}) else: break return render_template('oszicar.html', osz=json.dumps(osz)) elif textpath.endswith('mp4'): subprocess.Popen('open {0}'.format(textpath).split()) return render_template('text.html', text='Playing Video') else: text = text.split('\n') return render_template('text.html', text=text)
[docs]@app.route('/eam_pot/<path:filename>') def eam_pot(filename): """Uses matplotlib to inspect xml potential files in the database. """ import random import datetime import StringIO import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter fig = Figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) FVR = [] pot_dir = os.path.join(app.root, 'potentials') pot_xml = pot_dir+'/'+filename #Based on gist at with open(pot_xml, 'r') as f: tree = ET.parse(f) root = tree.getroot() R = [float(x.attrib['y']) for x in root[0][0]] F = [float(x.attrib['y']) for x in root[0][1]] V = [float(x.attrib['y']) for x in root[1][0]] xpts = [] for x in root.findall('./per_type_data/spline_rho/'): xpts.append(x.attrib['r']) rho = [float(x.attrib['r']) for x in root[0][1]] fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,1) ax[0].set_ylim([-0.5,5]) ax[0].set_xlim([1.,5.5]) ax[1].set_xlim([1.,5.5]) ax[0].set_ylabel('Density') ax[0].plot(xpts, R) ax[1].set_ylim([-5,50]) ax[1].set_ylabel('V') ax[1].set_xlabel('Radius (A)') ax[1].plot(xpts,V) ax[2].set_ylim([-50,20]) ax[2].set_ylabel('Embedding Term') ax[2].set_xlabel('Density (arb. units)') ax[2].plot(rho, F) canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) png_output = StringIO.StringIO() canvas.print_png(png_output) response = make_response(png_output.getvalue()) response.headers['Content-Type']= 'image/png' return response